Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gag Men Form Wonder Girls Parody Group ‘Wonder Oops’

Gag-men (comedians) have formed ‘Wonder Oops’, male announcers have formed ‘A-Bang’… Using a stage that conjures up the image of a large dance club as a background, a new kind of dance battle of the stars has unfolded.

On MBC ‘New Year’s Special Star Dance Battle’, which will air on the 25th, Big Bang’s TaeYang & SeungRi, Girls’ Generation (SNSD), Super Junior’s Eeteuk, ShinDong, EunHyuk, & SungMin, SS501, Jewelry, V.O.S Choi HyunJ
oon, 2PM, SHINee, Kara, and other stars will move into action and put their pride on the line in a fierce dance contest.

The Wonder Girls parody group—‘Wonder Oops’—which was formed by ‘It’s Gag’ comedians Oh JungTae, Oh JiHeon, Jun HwanGyu, Shin DongSu, and Kim KyungJin, is drawing special attention for its display of quintessential comic dance. Parody Dance Queen Kim ShinYoung plans to throw out a challenge to Rain with . In addition, MBC male announcers Kim JungGeun, Jun JongHwan, Hur IlHoo, Kim NahJin, and Suh In, attempt to present an entirely different image of themselves with their Big Bang parody, ‘A-Bang’.

By: Kim HyunRok @ Star MoneyToday
Source: StarMoneyToday
Translation: ppopki@wgspectacle

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