Big Bang’s book, ‘Cry out loud to the world about you’ is about to surpass the album counts. Published/Released on January 28th, initial press of 100,000 copies are sold out, and additional 60,000 copies were printed, and out in the bookstore.
The response is phenomenal: it is placed as the best seller in many online bookstore websites (on the top on Yes24, and second place on Aladdin and Intepark). When the promotion takes place in the coming days, the number of copies sold is predicted to increase. Big Bang is having a press conference regarding their book at Seoul Press Center on Feb. 6, 2pm to actively advertise the book.
It is also interesting to watch whether it will surpass the album counts- the highest counted for a single album is 200,000 (their second volume ‘Remember’). Because Big Bang has huge impact not only in music industry, but also in fashion and culture trends, book sale can be predicted to surpass their album sales.
Spokesperson from YG Entertainment stated that “The responses from the readers are very positive. You can see the unseen characters of Big Bang, and the book contains their experiences of success driven by their passion and drive. The book is getting good review from people of all ages”.
이혜린 기자
<ⓒ아시아경제 & 스투닷컴(이 만드는 온오프라인 연예뉴스>
Translation Credit: 코코마탑횽 @ bbvipz
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