Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fashion director of “My Black Mini Dress” reveals style points for each character

The unique fashion points for each of the four leading ladies on “My Black Mini Dress” have been revealed!
Since the movie focuses not only on the love stories of women in their 20s, but on their styles and passion for fashion as well, the topic of their fashion styles has been a hot one ever since the movie unveiled its concept.
The fashion director for this movie is Kim Sung Il, who prevoiusly worked with Kim Sa Rang in “Secret Garden“, in addition to Lee Mi Sook and Kim Min Hee for “Actresses.”
Beginning with Yoon Eun Hye’s style, Kim revealed, “Her style is very natural, but has lots of variety. I used a lot of colorful items that were mixed and matched to convey a certain style.”
Regarding Park Han Byul, Kim stated, “I emphasized a sexy feel for her through vivid colors and oversized items. In order to tone down the excessive feel of all of her fashion items, I made sure to keep other aspects of her style simple.”
For Yoo In Na, Kim revealed, “With a lovely and romantic concept as its base, I paid special attention to little details like her accessories to give the feel of a very ‘Minhee-like’ style when they were put together.”
Concluding with Cha Ye Ryun, Kim stated, “I worked to bring out her boyish charms with the use of clean shirts and knit tops. In order to keep the overall look feminine, I made sure that the pieces were slim fitting.”
“My Black Mini Dress” will hit theaters on March 24th.
Source: Seoul NTN via Nate

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