Monday, February 8, 2010

GD, “What’s Up With President Yang?”

After Yang HyunSuk told G-Dragon to forget about his solo activities for now and use “Lies” as a song for Big Bang, he went back to work on re-writing the song for a group.

“I went back and re-wrote the song from scratch. I was tired but I went back to work on it. I was really worried if the other members would like it or not. It was something really different from what we’ve done before. They were silent once I showed them. I remembering thinking to myself ‘Oh, they don’t like it?” Then TaeYang told me ‘Let’s do it.’

G-Dragon continued on saying that he really didn’t know how the members felt about the song. He was nervous showing them something that he had written for his own use. Since his style of music was different from the others he was worried they wouldn’t like it.

“After I modified the lyrics I gave each member their part to work on. President has a sense for these things. If he gives us a deadline for something and we make it, it always has the best results.”

After that G-Dragon continued to write songs and show them to Yang HyunSuk. He’d listen to them and picked which ever he liked best. At first Yang HyunSuk seemed more like an uncle you’d see around the neighborhood but once it came down to work he really knew what songs would be most popular. He was great at keeping up with the trends.

“President Yang must have some kind of physic powers (laughs). I would send him a whole bunch of songs that I’ve made and he’d go trough them picking which he liked best. Sometimes he wouldn’t even listen to them for a second before deciding he didn’t like them. If there was a song that caught his attention, he’d tell me and also would tell me when to release them. The scary thing is every song that he’s picked so far has been a success. Makes me think ‘What‘s up with this person?’”

Yang HyunSuk makes a good mentor. Since he was a singer himself he knows what singers go through and how to treat them fairly.

“When it comes to the type of music we want to make, the type of clothes we’d like to wear, or how we’d want to come out on stage he lets us choose. “Lies” was a huge hit and I’m glad I listened to President Yang.”


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