Wednesday, February 17, 2010

GD, ‘Girls who are cat like attracts me.’

“I wrote all the lyrics and melody of the songs with my little experience. Even just with indirect experience like watching a movie. When I watch love moves I tend to write lyrics based on love. When it’s a sad movie I write about breakups. The song “She’s Gone” was based on many emotions I had as I watched particular movies.”

G-Dragon (real name Kwon JiYong 23) writes songs based on his own experience. If you are quick witted you’ll be able to pick up on his thoughts.

“Frankly I think people will spend more time listening to something with emotion put in it. You can’t force people to listen to a song in which the emotions are all made up.”

He has been in love but others would call it ‘puppy love’ instead.

“I use to think I was in love but my friends would tell me that I haven’t experienced real love yet. I’m the type of person who gets really interested at something for a particular time then gets over it.”

He is also a really generous person. He is the type who’d give anything to his love. Even thought sometimes it will come in the way of his work. Wanting to be known as Kwon JiYong and not just a celebrity he likes to show his natural self. This is why he is very open even in crowds.

“I did all the childish things like letting balloons fly out of the back of a truck and renting out cafes for mini concerts. (laughs) I didn’t want her to think I was just a celebrity so when we went to the amusement parks I’d wear a mask to cover my face. I did everything she wanted to do. People were saying I was crazy not caring about causing a big scandal. Even President Yang tells me to be careful while dating so I’d meet the right girl.”

G-Dragon’s ideal type of girl is one who’s ‘like a cat’.

“I like girls that have both the looks and the personalities just like cats do. Girls who play hard to get but once I stop trying to get them, they come around and throw themselves at me really attract my attention. I want someone who can control me and someone I’ll be able to lean on. I like girls who are very strong and fierce. When I’m in love I want someone who I can rest with.”

After some bad experiences with love he looks at love in a new way now.

“I will never be the one to break it off first. In the past I’ve given all my love to fast. In the future when I do love again I want to love slowly.”


Post taken from: VIPACCESS

Friday, February 12, 2010

gaho Updates 2

Electric Love tour

Credit: hallerness @ yg_bigbang
Reuploaded by: PA @ VIPACCESS

"Lollipop 2" needs a girl

GD, “My solo album was a gamble.”

Kwon Jiyong’s ‘Heartbreaker’ saw the light of this world on August 18, 2009. This day also happened to be G-Dragon’s birthday.

”It was actually scheduled to be out in April, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t feel like a piece of work that I’d been looking forward to for ten years; there was just something missing. I didn’t know how long it would be til my turn to go solo came again.. That one album was a gamble for me.”

During the preparation of his solo album, Big Bang started Japanese promotions. During the months they were active there, if there was nothing on G-Dragon’s schedule for even a single day, he would fly back to Korea to work on the album and fly back at night. While the other members felt the freedom of being able to shop and have fun without being watched or followed, G-Dragon was out of his mind looking for performance outfits.

”Writing songs, buying performance outfits, being at meetings via webcam..I think my album was the only thing I was thinking about for 24 hours a day. I wanted to make an album that I had contributed to as much as possible. I wanted people to think not just that it’s been ‘made’, but ‘Kwon Jiyong made this’. I even went a little over the top by concerning over things like font, colour and decoration. I wanted to release an album that seemed more like a wrapped up gift than a normal, standard CD. So that people can open the case like a present and anticipate what might be inside, even if its not expensive. I think the album designers might’ve thought I was a big weird; I would call in the middle of the night whenever I got a new idea. (laughs)”

He became totally immersed in working on his album.

”Heartbreaker is about being hurt by love. To express that my heart had been crushed, I made all the dancers wear my mask and do different dances. It was to show different emotions coming out of the same face.”

He experienced a lot of differences to when he was making an album with the other members. He had to fill in every aspect himself, letting him mature more as an artist and realise how valuable the other members really were.

”I learnt so much from making my album. I met with a lot of people from different fields. It was also my turn to play the ‘Cutesy’ part that Daesung and Seungri usually take responsibility for. But I had to show a serious side to the higher ups. Anyhow, I was able to mingle with a lot of different people and learnt more interpersonal skills.”

When an artist releases an album, they usually put all their effort into promoting it. However promotion of G-Dragon’s album through newspapers and TV stations was minimal as YG Entertainment considers performances more important than promotions.

”I was really worried because we had barely promoted. Then I found out about something called ‘Me2day’. It’s like a blog. President Yang told me ‘This is the one way we have chosen to promote. You can do your own promoting.’ He’s always like that. He’ll open the road for us bit by bit and we have to find our own way through it. Anyway, I started showing fans bits and pieces like an outfit for a music video and a strand of my newly dyed hair. I wanted to be the one to show them my music first before any music portal sites so I even gave them 30 second snippets of a few songs. I kept thinking things like ‘If they check for updates before they go to bed and there has been an update, they’d be happy that they can talk about it the next day at school, right?’ I think it was a heart-fluttering period for both me and the fans.”

Thanks to G-Dragon, Me2day also received huge popularity. The site that had only had tens of thousands of members suddenly had hundreds of thousands. Again, G-Dragon started receiving attention from a huge number of people but just as he felt like he was starting to communicate with his fans, he was accused of plagiarism. This was just one day before the release of his album.

Translation by sjay.x @

Post taken from: VIPACCESS

GD, ‘Big Bang is more relaxed after solo activities’

It is uncommon for people to know the individual talents and names of each member in an idol group, especially now that they are pretty much flooding the music industry. If one person stands out, another tends to be shunted aside. But Big Bang is one of those rare groups where every member plays their individual role in the group so well that they stand out as a whole.

”If you look at normal idol groups, they usually have one, or sometimes even up to three members who are given all the attention and the rest of them kind of just blend in. And the maknaes aren’t allowed to talk. But we take turns being the one in the spotlight; it was me in our first album and Taeyang in our second.”

Because Yang Hyun Seok believed that singer groups lasted longer if each member was given a chance to show their individuality and ambitions, Big Bang’s members were able to distinguish themselves by showing their talents in various fields. It is also crucial for passionate youths like them to be active in their lines of specialty.

”My forte would be writing and composing while Taeyang’s is looking and dancing like a foreign singer. To put it straight, he’s got style and a sort of moderate beauty. Cute Seungri does his musicals, Daesung showed prominence in variety shows and Top is becoming more and more determined to show himself as an actor through dramas and movies. After working as individuals, I think we’ve become even closer. We admire each other a lot more too and the topics of our conversations contain way more variety nowadays. We’re more relaxed now, not as in we’ve gotten cocky but as in we feel like we can see further now.”

While the other members continued to show different sides of themselves in their various fields, G-Dragon consistently worked on his solo album. The thought that noone knows how many years it would be until his next solo album, and that this might be the last chance to show Kwon Jiyong as a person kept him going.

Translation: sjay.x @

Post taken from: VIPACCESS

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lee SeungRi expresses unhappiness to YoonA-TaecYeon scandal

SBS variety show Strong Heart MC Lee Seung Gi reveals his unhappiness to YoonA-Ok TaeYeon scandal.

So Nyeo Shi Dae YoonA and 2PM TaecYeon was present in the recent filming of ‘Strong Heart’. The 2 had showed not just their dances as Korea’s representative idols, but also their good speaking.

Especially during the filming, Lee SeungGi-YoonA-TaecYeon “love triangle” was the hot issue amongst the guest appaearances. Previously, YoonA and TaecYeon put up a couple performance for MBC Gayo Festival on 31st December, which had sparked off talks of scandal. Back then, the 2 had clarified with the comment “It is just for business” to calm the scandal rumours.

So the issue of scandal between the 2 was put in the spotlight during filming that day even though the 2 had made it clear that it was just for pure entertainment purpose. With that, Lee SeungGi was seen uncomfortable during all the talk about the scandal between the 2.

Lee SeungGi has also always proclaimed that YoonA is his ideal type of girl. With that YoonA also revealed, “I’m really happy that Lee SeungGi has chosen me as his ideal type of girl.”

It is said that the YoonA was also made to choose her ideal type between Lee SeungGi and TaecYeon during the filming.

Meanwihle, the show is set to air on 9th February at 11.05pm.


Post taken from: KBITES

2NE1 reveals new song ‘Try To Be Like Me’

With So Nyeo Shi Dae starting off the girlgroup fever with new song ‘Oh!’, girlgroup 2NE1 is the next to reveal a new song.

2NE1 revealed their new song ‘날 따라 해봐요 (Try To Me Like Me)’ on various music sites on 9th February. ‘Follow Me’ is, like most of 2NE1’s hit songs, produced by Teddy and is a hip hop song sampling on song ‘나처럼 해봐요(Do It Like Me)’.

The lyrics to the song brings the message to females to be confident and dignified, like 2NE1’s previous hit songs.

Meanwhile, with ‘Oh!’ starting off the year with girlgroup fever, much anticipation is for how this new song will turn out.

Credit: KBITES

GD, ‘I Don’t Know Where It Ends’

Most of the songs G-Dragon has written have gone on to be huge hits (‘Daebak’ s). The song ‘Lies’ on Big Bang’s first mini album (released in 2007) which he had originally written for himself became a massive hit, as did ‘Last Farewell’, ‘Haru Haru’ and ‘Sunset Glow’ to follow.
”Even though people kept telling us we’d become ‘a huge hit’, it didn’t feel like it at all because we weren’t allowed to go out. The only places we’d go were broadcasting stations, living quarters and practice rooms. We were still nothing but kids and people continued to say “what do we do with them?”. Even though we kept getting number 1, we didn’t feel any different. When the audience cheered and clapped for us, we just thought ‘it’s only because we’re singers’. Whenever we went on stage people would clap, but we wouldn’t be able tell at all since we’d be singing.”
There’s a saying that celebrities often hear, and repeat to themselves over and over again: “The next one is the most important”.
”I think that’s what’s hardest about being a celebrity. Even if we do really well, it’s always ‘next time is more important’. Normal people might think being a celebrity is easy, but it really isn’t.”
Even when they’re on hiatus, celebrities can’t let their guard down. Anxiety in the form of thoughts like ‘I must try even harder’, ‘I can’t give up now’, ‘The next one is more important’ continue to taunt them.
”I just don’t know where it ends. Whenever we see fans who say ‘Big Bang helps us build our dreams’, I realise ‘Man this really isn’t just a joke’. I feel increased responsibility.”
However the Big Bang members aren’t really the type for excessive breaks anyway. When they’re given a holiday, they spend the first couple of days at home before crawling back to the practice rooms because they have nothing to do.
”It’s not like we plan it or anything but even during our days off we see each other dancing or writing lyrics…Practice is like a regular part of our lives now. That’s why we write more songs than others and have more to choose from. I think we’ve come this far because we don’t want to disappoint our fans.”
Even through the times where he had no choice but to run, G-Dragon learned to keep his balance with the thought and determination not to disappoint his fans. We finally start to feel and understand what it was he ran so hard for.
Trans Credits: sjay.x @ & shinhdeplol@soompi
Post taken from: VIPACCESS

Monday, February 8, 2010

Male and female idol group rankings by 30 entertainment reporters

ENews tvN recently ran a survey amongst 30 Korean entertainment reporters to get them to rank male and female idol groups according to various categories.
Go under the cut to find out where your favourite idol group is ranked in different categories like vocal skills and dancing skills.

Male idol groups:

Public Recognition
  1. Dong Bang Shin Ki
  2. Big Bang
  3. 2PM
  4. Super Junior
  5. SS501
  6. 2AM
  7. SHINee
  8. FT Island
  9. U-Kiss, BEAST
  1. Dong Bang Shin Ki
  2. Big Bang
  3. Super Junior
  4. 2PM
  5. SS501
  6. FT Island
  7. SHINee
  8. 2AM
  9. U-Kiss, BEAST
Vocal Skills
  1. Dong Bang Shin Ki
  2. 2AM
  3. Big Bang
  4. FT Island
  5. SHINee
  6. 2PM
  7. Super Junior
  8. SS501
  9. BEAST
  10. U-Kiss
Dancing Skills
  1. 2PM
  2. Dong Bang Shin Ki
  3. Super Junior
  4. Big Bang
  5. SHINee
  6. SS501
  7. BEAST
  8. U-Kiss
  9. 2AM
  10. FT Island
Fashion Sense
  1. Big Bang
  2. Dong Bang Shin Ki
  3. 2PM
  4. SHINee
  5. Super Junior
  6. SS501
  7. 2AM
  8. FT Island
  9. U-Kiss, BEAST
Overall for male idol groups
  1. Dong Bang Shin Ki
  2. Big Bang
  3. 2PM
  4. Super Junior
  5. SHINee
  6. SS501
  7. 2AM
  8. FT Island
  9. BEAST
  10. U-Kiss

Female idol groups:

Public Recognition:
  1. Girl’s Generation
  2. 2NE1
  3. Brown Eyed Girls
  4. Wonder Girls
  5. KARA
  6. 4Minute
  7. Jewelry
  8. After School
  9. T-Ara
  10. f(x)
  1. Girl’s Generation
  2. 2NE1
  3. Brown Eyed Girls
  4. KARA
  5. Wonder Girls
  6. After School
  7. Jewelry
  8. 4Minute
  9. T-Ara
  10. f(x)

Dancing skills:

  1. Girl’s Generation
  2. 2NE1
  3. After School
  4. 4Minute
  5. Brown Eyed Girls
  6. Wonder Girls
  7. KARA
  8. f(x)
  9. Jewelry
  10. T-Ara
Fashion Sense:
  1. Girl’s Generation
  2. 2NE1
  3. Brown Eyed Girls
  4. Wonder Girls
  5. 4Minute
  6. KARA
  7. After School
  8. Jewelry
  9. f(x)
  10. T-Ara
  1. Girl’s Generation
  2. Wonder Girls
  3. 2NE1
  4. KARA
  5. Brown Eyed Girls
  6. Jewelry
  7. After School
  8. 4Minute
  9. T-Ara
  10. f(x)
Source: [tvn enews+Naver Blog (screencaps)+Yuaerubi],
Translation credits:
Other credits: itszmaeee,, akiko@spectacle
Post Taken from: KBITES

GD, “What’s Up With President Yang?”

After Yang HyunSuk told G-Dragon to forget about his solo activities for now and use “Lies” as a song for Big Bang, he went back to work on re-writing the song for a group.

“I went back and re-wrote the song from scratch. I was tired but I went back to work on it. I was really worried if the other members would like it or not. It was something really different from what we’ve done before. They were silent once I showed them. I remembering thinking to myself ‘Oh, they don’t like it?” Then TaeYang told me ‘Let’s do it.’

G-Dragon continued on saying that he really didn’t know how the members felt about the song. He was nervous showing them something that he had written for his own use. Since his style of music was different from the others he was worried they wouldn’t like it.

“After I modified the lyrics I gave each member their part to work on. President has a sense for these things. If he gives us a deadline for something and we make it, it always has the best results.”

After that G-Dragon continued to write songs and show them to Yang HyunSuk. He’d listen to them and picked which ever he liked best. At first Yang HyunSuk seemed more like an uncle you’d see around the neighborhood but once it came down to work he really knew what songs would be most popular. He was great at keeping up with the trends.

“President Yang must have some kind of physic powers (laughs). I would send him a whole bunch of songs that I’ve made and he’d go trough them picking which he liked best. Sometimes he wouldn’t even listen to them for a second before deciding he didn’t like them. If there was a song that caught his attention, he’d tell me and also would tell me when to release them. The scary thing is every song that he’s picked so far has been a success. Makes me think ‘What‘s up with this person?’”

Yang HyunSuk makes a good mentor. Since he was a singer himself he knows what singers go through and how to treat them fairly.

“When it comes to the type of music we want to make, the type of clothes we’d like to wear, or how we’d want to come out on stage he lets us choose. “Lies” was a huge hit and I’m glad I listened to President Yang.”


SeungRi, “I’ve never been on a subway before.”

On February 6th KBS 2TV ‘Entertainment Tonight’ broadcasted a behind the scenes look into Big Bang recent shooting of their BSX CF.

During the broadcast member SeungRi told them, “This is my first time riding on a subway.”

With that said fellow member G-Dragon responded saying , “Back in SeungRi’s home town he only rode on horses.” TaeYang added, “SeungRi gets treated like a prince.’ and everyone laughed.

TaeYang also informed that Big Bang will becoming out with a new album later on in the year. “We will try harder as we prepare for a new album coming out in the second half of the year.” he said.


Gaho Updates

Credit: DCGD
Reuploaded by: PA @ VIPACCESS
Post taken from: VIPACCESS

Rapper questioned over ‘obscene’ performance

South Korean rapper G-Dragon is under investigation for a risque performance during which he allegedly feigned sexual intercourse with a female dancer, prosecutors say.

The 21-year-old star, a member of hip-hop group Big Bang, was questioned Thursday for 90 minutes by prosecuting authorities in Seoul, they said.

G-Dragon, whose real name is Kwon Ji-Yong, allegedly mimed sexual intercourse with a female dancer in a bed during a concert in December. He also sang two X-rated songs before a crowd which included many under-age fans.

“I didn’t think I was conducting an obscene performance,” the singer was quoted as telling prosecutors. He also said he was not aware the two songs had been X-rated, meaning they cannot be performed in front of, or sold to, minors.

An obscene performance is punishable by a jail term of up to one year or $4937 in fines.

Prosecutors said they would decide in a week or two whether to press charges.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

SeungRi, “I will take the responsibility and help SNSD Yuri find a cool boyfriend”

Big Bang SeungRi reveals that he will help out So Nyeo Shi Dae Yuri, who is also a 2010 batch freshman like himself.
SeungRi was featured for an interview on KBS 2TV Entertainment Relay aired on 6th February when he said, “I’m from the same freshman batch as So Nyeo Shi Dae Yuri. I’ll take the responsibility to help her find a cool boyfriend.”
SeungRi and Yuri are both accepted into Central University theatre and movie course for 2010.
And SeungRi also emphasized, “I don’t have any intentions on Yuri.” and then he did a video message, “2010 batch friend Yuri ssi. Let’s get along well. See you at school. Bye.”

SeungRi also said during the interview, “When I go to college, I really want to join a ‘meeting’* like college students do.”
*Meeting/MT: Usually stands for social gathering by college students where they will drink and talk amongst themselves.

Credit: KBITES

Saturday, February 6, 2010

GDragon’s concert pinned with controversies

Big Bang’s GDragon recently held a concert for his fans at the same time to celebrate the success of his solo activity without the members. Much like other issues related with GDragon, this concert had raised a series of controversies that the netizens are divided on.
The 21-year-old idol star from Big Bang, GDragon, held his first title concert titled, “Shine A Light.” Thousands of fans around the country gathered for this special event, many of them being in their 10s and young teenage years. The fans had a great time at the concert, and even the fans across the globe who watched it through fan cameras seemed to enjoy it as well. The problem arose after the concert, when the stories and videos circulated the web.
The concert started with ‘Heartbreaker’ moved on to ‘This Love’, then ‘Hello’, then on to ‘Gossip Man.’ Everything was fine until the stage for the song ‘Breathe’ was set up. On the bed the ‘Breathe’ performance was portrayed with a female dancer known as Aimee Lucas. At one point when she had her legs around his hips, many netizens declared that the point was to clearly depict a “sex” scene. Some fans at the concert said that at one point they even heard “heavy breathing” sounds mixed in with the track. Sounds or not, the netizens are clearly making a statement that, the scene he portrayed was too young for most of the audience present.
If that wasn’t enough, during the ‘She’s Gone’ performance, in the video that was shown, GDragon showed himself smoking and holding a knife, and even worse, stabbing a person with it exposing the fans to the violence. Netizens fired back at GDragon arguing that such images shouldn’t be shown at all, especially to the minor kids. Fans were divided in their opinion, some saying that it had been “cool,” while the other argued that this was inappropriate for the younger audience.
Especially for this performance, some netizens are deciding it to take it to the higher heights, such as the courts. This is because, before this song had a ban to be not played towards a younger audience. According to the law, if he is convicted, then it is less than 3 years or a fine of 20,000 dollars. However according to one association, because it had been a concert, they said that he couldn’t be responsible for materials in court.
This same type of “concert controversy” happened during Park JinYoung (JYP)’s 2008 concert when he took one female audience from the crowd and tied her on to the bed. According to YG Entertainment, they stated, “Because he was preparing performances to match the songs, there are some that are at a higher level.” They also pleaded, “Please watch this as GDragon becoming an adult.”
Netizens comments:
“I wonder why he does that when he knows that his fans are mostly in their teen years”
“I know that he wants attention and all, but this is just out of the box”
“He is just portraying the songs. Not a big deal”
“He didn’t even actually do it [sex] on stage!”
“Whatever people say, I respect GDragon for his confidence”
“From a mother’s point of view, I’m really mad, I hope my kids don’t see this”
“Oh so he likes these things? Shall we call this SM?”

Credit: KBITES

don't worry Ji... SEX, it's not a big deal right?.. that's normal in human life.
there the ones who make a big fuzz over a normal way of dancing.
they're the ones who open the children's mind into SEX..
they just didn't realized it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

GD, “I found myself tearing up as I handed over ‘Lies’

"After their debut, the group ‘Big Bang’ received much attention for being a “skill-based idol group”. Since they did their own writing, composing, choreography and even styling, they were considered ‘new concept’ idols. This group that wore black clothes with painted faces, tilted hats and looked like they belonged in a dark alleyway soon gained the nickname of ‘the Dark Idols’.

”Early after our debut, I made all the members work even harder. It was my job as a leader, so I had no choice but to play the bad guy. When people see me outside of work they say I’m a fool, but when I’m working I calculate everything because I’m very timid like most blood-type A’s. I keep telling myself that I have to pay attention and be serious. People tell me that I get this look in my eyes when I’m working.”

During break times, he’s just an immature hyung who likes playing annoying pranks but when they’re working, he’s scary and doesn’t hesitate to give criticism. Though he’s usually more disarranged than his maturer dongsaengs Daesung and Seungri, he’s a strict perfectionist when it comes to work.

"I practised really hard, and wrote songs furiously. I actually wrote ‘Lies’ to use as my solo piece. ‘Cos we were really into house music [techno/electronica] at the time. President Yang had gone to Japan or Hong Kong then so I emailed the song to him. I was embarrassed because I’d just written it and I thought he’d criticise it but he called not even 5 minutes after I’d sent it. He said ‘This is it! This is the one. I’m really sorry but forget your solo and let’s use it as a Big Bang song. It’s going to be the title track.’”

The first thing G-Dragon felt was disappointment. He had been promised solo promotions, and he didn’t know how long it he would have to wait now. As an artist and an individual, disappointment was inevitable.

”I’d spent days and nights writing that song, and I had to rewrite it as a song the group could sing together. He’d basically said ‘This isn’t your song, it’s Big Bang’s’. I’d made the music since our first album, and as a producer I did think that Big Bang was more important, but I still found myself tearing up.”

So the 20 year old G-Dragon stared vacantly out his window one dawn, watching the day grow brighter.

Trans Credits: sjay.x @
Post taken from: VIPACCESS

Big Bang singer in big trouble for lewdness

G-Dragon, a popular boy band singer, was summoned and questioned by prosecutors on charges of giving an obscene performance in public during a concert last year.

The Bing Bang member appeared for questioning at 8:45 p.m. on Thursday and returned to his home at 10 p.m. after undergoing about one hour of questioning.

Prosecutors have asked him whether G-Dragon performed what was originally planned by his agency and whether he essentially mimicked sexual acts in front of his audience during the performance.

A video of the performance in question posted on a Naver blog shows G-Dragon on stage with a female, wearing a rather short skirt, strapped by her wrists to a bed that’s been positioned vertically.

G-Dragon then proceeds to make advances on the woman, at one point standing face to face with her as she wraps her legs around his waist.

The summons came after the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs filed a complaint to the prosecution that accused the 22-year-old singer of public obscenity during the concert at Olympic Stadium in December.

The Ministry argued that the singer’s controversial performance was too obscene for a majority of the audience that consisted of underage school students.

The prosecution will decide whether the idol singer’s performance was obscene by next week.

Post taken from: VIPACCESS

G-Dragon, “It was not pornography.”

The investigation for G-Dragon’s first solo concert ‘Shine A Light’ is took place on the 4th of February. When asked if he displayed any form of pornography at his concert he replied, “I did not do anything obscene.”

An official said, “G-Dragon has denied the allegations against him. We will finalize the investigation next week to see if there will be any legal actions being taken against him.”

G-Dragon’s performances will be viewed to see if they violate the youth protection laws or public performance laws related to the sexy acts.

Post taken from: VIPACCESS

Thursday, February 4, 2010

TOP, “Even in 2050 I want to do Big Show”

Male idol group Big Bang held their ‘Big Show’ concert on the few last days of January at Seoul Olympic Stadium. For the three days a massive number of fans showed up from all over the world.

- At the concert member TOP surprised the fans with the unveiling of his new solo song “Turn It Up”.

- Girl group 2NE1 also performed on those three days. While performing “Fire” and “I Don’t Care” they were cheered on by the fans.

- Members G-Dragon and TaeYang had a joint stage where they performed “Korean Dream” off of G-Dragon’s solo album ‘Heartbreaker’. G-Dragon held a mini DJ session showing the fans his skills.

- Even though fans on the 2nd and 3rd level were unable to see the boys up close that didn’t stop Big Bang. The boys glided over the fans on wires to reach the 2nd and 3rd floor making sure they had fun as well.

- DaeSung said, “When the accident happened, I was really worried I wasn’t gonna be able to ever sing again. But I was able to walk away from it. I feel really blessed.” Last year after filming for SBS’s ’Family Outing’ DaeSung was met with a car accident. It took him 8 weeks to get better afterwards

- TOP ended by telling fans that even in the year 2050 he‘d still want to continue doing ‘Big Show‘. The fans were really impressed.


Post taken from: VIPACCESS

60 People Fainted on the last day of ’Big Show’

About 60 fans fainted at Big Bang’s ’Big Show’ concert due to exhaustion.

Big Bang held their ’Big Show ’ 2010 concert on the 29th – 31st of January at Seoul Olympic Stadium. The concert was estimated to have had 40,000 people attending.

On the last day of the concert 60 fans fainted and were rushed to the emergency room held at the concert. An official said, “60 people fainted at the concert but were all treated in the emergency room.” They went on to say, “Fortunately no one was hurt seriously. They were all stable and returned to the concert.”

Big Show was a huge success since the boys haven’t been together due to their busy schedule in Japan.

Big Bang performed their hit songs “Lies” and “Last Farewell” along with about 25 other songs through out the 2 hours and 30 minutes of the show.

TOP released his solo song and music video at the concert catching a lot of attention from the fans. Since TOP has been busy with his acting career like acting in the hit drama ’Iris’ fans have been looking forward to his solo.

DaeSungs also released his digital single “Cotton Candy” at the concert. They handed out free cotton candy to the first 5,000 fans as well.

The parody of ’1 Night 2 Days’ that Big Bang put on also caused a lot of laughter with in the stadium.

‘Big Show’ is truly the name for their concert. Big Bang will be holding this concert in January every year now. With the 5 members finally standing on stage together the show is expected to be great.

Source: Newsen

Post Taken from: VIPACCESS

BigBang BIG SHOW 2010 pics

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GD, “The popularity I recieved after debuting didnt feel like mine”

So after raising awareness of their existence through “Real Docu Big Bang”, a documentary showing the survival-style process of creating a skill-based idol group, Big Bang started preparing an album with hopes of debuting in 2006. At that time, G-Dragon (Real name: Kwon Jiyong, 23) had no choice but to study for his college entrance exams and prepare his album at the same time, each of which is difficult enough on its own.

“‘Singers are stupid, they’re just puppets of their agencies’… I didn’t like prejudices like that. I wanted to be a singer who could express his thoughts. President Yang Hyunseok thought the same, so he wouldn’t let me practise if I didn’t get over 80% in any school tests. “

Even as he concentrated on practising, G-Dragon refused to become careless in his school activities and relationships with his friends.

“Like everyone else, I would cram at the last minute whenever there was a test. I would stay up the whole night the day before then go to school the next day. I was too sneaky for my own good…(laughs). I didn’t like how people think celebrities think they’re too good to have normal friends, so I’d approach kids first and make friends with them. I acted like a bit of an idiot sometimes; I’d always pester my friends to buy me food too.”

G-Dragon, who could apparently seem like “a bit of an idiot” when he wasn’t focusing on his work, was able to maintain a normal and healthy relationship with his school friends.

“During exam periods, my friends helped me a lot by lending me their notebooks and stuff. My teachers would always cheer me on about preparing to become a singer too, and my parents were so proud that I wasn’t abandoning my schoolwork. For these reasons, even though it was hard at the time, when I look back on it I think I did the right thing.”

Thanks to the help of many people combined with the effort of the members, they managed to debut successfully. But although they became so much more well-known after their debut, G-Dragon felt like his popularity wasn’t his own.

“Because of our abrupt popularity so soon after our debut, there were a lot of people saying things like “it’s because of the company” and “that just shows what the agency is capable of”. Since it is true that no matter how talented the singer is, it’s difficult for them to gain popularity if they’re signed to a small agency. I was relieved to receive some spotlight after working in the industry for so long, but I thought to myself that I must never get too cocky.”

As a matter of fact, G-Dragon was actually worried about his sudden popularity as he had watched the ups and downs of the entertainment industry from a young age. After deciding that skill was the only way he would be accepted by the public and survive, he decided to become a harsh and criticising leader to his team.

Trans Credits: sjay.x @


Post taken from: VIPACCESS